Friday, 4 May 2012

The One With the Module Choices

It's still not sunk in...

And still the most exciting thing about the year abroad at the moment is the (for me), record-breaking amount of likes on my Facebook status: 56 and counting! Complete with adorable comment from Chris about missing me - or nuanced missing me anyway. Plus, I've heard from my two Canadian friends, Emma and Krista, so hopefully they'll be able to take care of me in some small way. As Krista pointed out, I'm moving half way across the world in a matter of months, months. At least Facebook knows; my mum knows and the extraordinary tutor who gave me a reference for the program know, but I still haven't got round to emailing my personal tutor to tell him - apologies, Mark Wynn. But at least I've found the time to blog and have a quick moan about how I'm really sick of the book of Romans. Priorities, I've got them!

Right now I'm in the process of printing off all the forms I was sent yesterday and didn't look at because Facebook-updating plus Teaching Awards tension got in the way. They're all very formal-looking and there's a bit too much French on there for my liking; I had hoped that my disastrous A2 French exam where the GCSE Mandarin students had recorded over our listening exam, was the last time I was going to have to deal with that much French. Alas, I'm off to a bilingual university for a year. Furthermore, having recently seen Her Majesty, The Queen at Exeter, I'm slightly concerned I'm too much of a Royalist for me to be safe quite so near to the French part of Canada. I might have to quickly form some Republican views. Down with the monarchy, because dependeable tradition cannot compare to the tradition of politicians bringing nothing but hot air. (See, I'm a convincing Republican).

Anyway, the module choices for the next year went live today; some good ones, and some missing that I really hoped would be running, but never mind. I think I've chosen all ten, (ten? Ten! Step up from the six I'm doing this year), but I haven't yet read the guide which tells me about the module selection process - remember what I said about hyper-enthusiasm late last night/early hours of this morning? So whilst I should probably do that, I've already mentally composed an email I'll have to send in January to a lecturer asking for lenience as I run from one building to another at 1pm, as I'm desperate to do his module but it starts when another one finishes. Here's hoping. And I'm jumping the gun again.

 Excerpt from official acceptance letter: We are pleased to confirm your acceptance...under the international student mobility bilateral agreement with University of Exeter.

I have a student number and everything.

And it's still not sunk in. 

And now I need to print a 31-page document. Oh flip. And they write the date insensibly. And there are far to many Zs in words which really require an S. I'm getting disgruntled with differences, much like yesterday when I complained to my head of department that I missed meat after receiving the vegetarian meal option. (She likes me really, hence why she let me moan).

Okay, I think I know what I'm doing with module choices, but I can feel an email to Anne Worth of the International Office at Exeter coming on. A panicky, frantic email and the first of many over the next year - she's gonna love me! This makes this post the beginning of a saga on making module choices - don't get bored! Remember, I'm providing you with valuable procrastination time here.

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