'Never say goodbye; because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.'
- Peter Pan
I vividly remember that day. It was my first proper class for Religion and Multiculturalism in Canada, as the prof had been away for our actual first class. And he was talking about some nonsense and spirituality or something, (it was a really dull class), and I remember he said something pretty stupid about the nature of classifying religious belief. So I stuck my hand up and gave my tuppence about not being religious but having a relationship with God and the professor completely misunderstood my point. Anyway, after the class, this girl came up to me and was like, 'I totally get what you were saying! It is about relationship!' I thought this girl was pretty weird, but I asked for her Facebook details, because that's how you make friends nowadays. Her name? Christina Abraham.
Little did I know that this crazy girl was to become one of the most important people, not just in my year abroad, but in my whole life ever. Initially we bonded over a mutual hatred of Religion and Multiculturalism in Canada and how to win the affections of Justin the fit army guy in our class. This latter part involved shamelessly throwing a pen at him and getting him to pick it up. Oh Justin! Forever in our hearts!
Then she physically attacked me with scissors and tweezers.
And then the insults began. I always won the arguments because I am British and therefore superior to her, the lowly Canadian. Many apologies to all the people we freaked out along the way and tried to bring into out post-colonial banter: Emily, Anna, Devon, Rebekah, Jenny...
She's all kinds of special; true say.
Even if she never did bring me food to class while she stuffed her face with jumbo dogs and cereal and pizza slices and drank out of a jar.
Christina is the most wonderful person you will ever meet; her courage knows no bounds and her passion for the Lord is astounding. She is able to articulate God's profound love for people and there is such a strong anointing on her - so watch out world! She is brave and kind and sensitive, but also feisty and determined.
LOL Cat loves Grumpy Cat.
Together we've endured classes lasting until 10pm, sparkler problems at Zak's, a freezing cold birthday and a bus crash. And we've created an amazingly catchy song in 'Little Tiny Sheep' coming soon to an iTunes near you.
Saying goodbye to this lady this morning was indescribably hard. And I cried. A lot. This girl means so so much to me, more than I can ever eloquently put into words. She is a babe of the highest order and it is such a joy and incredible comfort to know we've got eternity together. So thank you, Christina, for being you, for loving the Lord, and for being my friend.
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