First things first, I have found the most wonderful church here in Ottawa.
On to ants. Or more specifically, the ants from 'A Bug's Life.' One of the best things about my Bible and film class is that the professor is brilliant and Christina and I engage in a weekly debate over whose country is better. (I win, obviously). Anyway, whilst the rest of the class has slumped into a stupor post-midterm, (which was disastrous), Christina and I began doing what we do best, after arguing about the colonies: messing around.
Case A: Who has the more demented finger?
Case B: Who looks more like an M&M?
Case C: Canadians are violent.

Case D: Brits look frazzled post-midterms.
So back to class, and prof went on a tangent talking about 'A Bug's Life' when what we had been talking about was biblical allegory in films. Stops and then says, 'What was I talking about?' Ants are distracting.
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